Green Salad with Passionfruit Dressing

Recipe serves 4


- 2 cups green beans, sliced

- 2 cups asparagus, sliced

- 1 pack rocket

- 1 cup frozen peas

- 1 cup frozen edamame beans

- 10g mint leaves, chopped

- 2 passion fruits

- 2 tsp mustard

- 1/2 cup raisins

- 1 cup pine nuts, toasted


- Steam the edamame, peas, beans and asparagus until just cooked. Place into a bowl of ice water to cool. Drain and dry.

- To make the dressing, strain the seeds of the passion fruit and whisk the liquid with mustard. Whisk in a tablespoon or two of olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

- Combine the steamed vegetables with the rocket, mint, raisins and pine nuts. Toss with the dressing. Top with leftover passion fruit seeds.


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